What Does Work Stress DoWork Stressed Frog

We all know that work stress is bad for us, but do you know why? Work-related stress can cause physical and emotional problems, both short and long-term. In this post, we’ll look at what stress does to us and how to manage it better.

Some common Impacts of Workplace Stress

Work-related stress can have many effects, both psychological and physical. It can cause anger or fear, quickly becoming overwhelming if we don’t manage them well. It can also cause health problems, especially in the long term – stress contributes to heart disease and strokes and has been linked to stomach ulcers and even some cancers.

Work stress can also affect our personal lives

It’s no coincidence that women file 9 out of 10 divorces! So if you’re having problems at home, it’s essential to look at what’s causing them before you end up walking down the aisle with a co-worker. Here are some of the more common effects that stress can have.


Workplace stress can lead to negative emotions such as anger, fear, anxiety and depression. These feelings aren’t good for our mental health and damage interpersonal relationships.

Physical problems

Stress at workplace can contribute to developing health problems such as back pain, high blood pressure and weakened immune systems. The effects of work stress on the body can be long-term or even permanent, which is why it’s so important to keep yourself well-managed.

Impact on work performance

Stress can also impact our work performance, leading to increased errors and reduced productivity.

How Can We Manage Work Stress?

Now that we’ve looked at some of the effects of work-related stress let’s look at how we can manage it better.

First, you need to know what causes stress at work in the first place – some familiar sources of work stress include:

Poor management or bullying by co-workers A lack of control over your work schedule Feeling like you don’t have enough support at work A lack of challenge/reward in your role A lack of opportunities for advancement Poor working conditions

Once you know what causes stress, it’s a lot easier to manage. Here are some of the most effective ways to manage work-related stress:

Taking a break

Sometimes, all we need is a quick break to recharge our mental batteries. For example, taking a walk around the block for 5 minutes can be enough to calm us down and refocus, especially if we take some time to stretch as well. 

Having a laugh

Laughter is a powerful stress reliever, and the best thing about it is that it’s free and easy to do. So whether you’re watching a funny video or just telling jokes with your co-workers, laughter can do wonders to improve your mental health.

Finding support

Work-related stress doesn’t have to be a solitary experience! Try finding someone you can confide in when you’re feeling overwhelmed, like a friend or family member. A quick chat can make all the difference in alleviating your feelings of stress.

Prioritising your tasks

If you feel overwhelmed at work, take a look at which tasks are causing you the most stress. You can then work out the best way to prioritise these tasks and tackle them in order of priority. You’ll feel less stressed by doing it this way, and you’re more likely to get the job done.

Taking breaks throughout your day

On a similar note, it’s important not to work through your breaks. If you’re trying to get a lot of work done in a short time, it’s much better to take regular intervals and spread them throughout your day. It’s easy to lose track of time when you’re working, and even 5 minutes off once an hour can help you stay focused throughout the day.


Stress at work is every day! It doesn’t mean that you’re weak or inadequate at work if you’re feeling overwhelmed at work. The most important thing is to take action and do what you can to reduce your stress levels. If you manage your work stress effectively, you’ll work more efficiently with less chance of making errors. This means that your performance at work is likely to improve, which will give you more opportunities for advancement.

Final Words

Stress at work is bad for us, but it’s something that we all have to deal with at some point or another. Fortunately, there are steps we can take to reduce the effect it has on us and make sure that we can work efficiently with less chance of making mistakes.

If you manage your work-related stress effectively, it will have a positive effect on your mental and physical health. This will make us more efficient and productive workers, which will help us to advance in our careers. Learn more about stress here: What is Episodic Acute Stress and The Best Guide to Avoid Being Overworked and Stressed.

Thanks for reading!

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