Types of Cluster Personality Disorders

Types Of Cluster Personality Disorders

People with cluster personality disorders can be difficult to live with and often require specialized care. This blog post will overview the different types of personality disorders, including their symptoms and treatment options. If you live with a loved one who has a cluster personality disorder. It is important to understand these disorders to provide the best possible support.

What Is A Personality Disorder?

 A personality disorder is a mental condition in which a person displays long-term, rigid patterns of behavior that deviate from societal expectations. These behaviors often cause the person to experience distress or problems daily. People with cluster personality disorders have at least two of the following five symptoms

– Frantic efforts to avoid real or imagined abandonment. People with this disorder tend to form strong emotional bonds with others quickly and fear that those they love will leave them. Because of this, those with the condition often become clingy and desperate when left alone for even brief periods.

– A pattern of unstable and intense personal relationships characterized by alternating between extremes of idealization and devaluation. People with this disorder tend to see others as either all good or bad and will frequently switch between these perceptions.

– Identity disturbance: markedly and persistently unstable self-image or sense of self. People with this disorder tend to develop strong, often idealized attachments to other people, objects, or ideologies. When these attachments change, they can become unstable and confused about who they are as a person.

– Impulsivity in at least two areas that are potentially self-damaging (e.g., spending, sex, substance abuse, reckless driving, binge eating). People with this disorder tend to act quickly, often without thinking about the consequences of their actions. This impulsivity can lead to relationship problems, money management, or accidents.

– Recurrent suicidal behavior, gestures, threats or self-injuring behavior such as cutting.

Here are a few types of Personality Disorders as under;

Cluster A:

Paranoid personality disorder:
People with paranoid personality disorders tend to be suspicious or distrustful of others and believe that others are out to get them, even when there is little evidence for this belief. Because of this, they often come across as guarded and argumentative.

Schizoid personality disorder:
People with schizoid personality disorder tend to be very introverted and distant and are often uncomfortable with closeness in relationships.

Schizotypal personality disorder:
People with schizotypal personality disorders tend to be odd or eccentric, displaying unusual mannerisms and behaviors. They often have trouble forming real connections with others and find it difficult to participate in everyday, conventional behaviors.

Cluster B

Antisocial personality disorder:
People with antisocial personality disorders tend to be impulsive and irresponsible, showing a lack of regard for the safety or well-being of others. They may have difficulty following rules and norms and find it difficult to hold down a job or stay in a relationship.

Borderline personality disorder:
People with borderline personality disorders tend to be unstable in their moods, interpersonal relationships, self-image and behavior. Because of this, they can often be unpredictable and may go to great lengths to avoid real or imagined abandonment.

Histrionic personality disorder:
People with histrionic personality disorders tend to be dramatic, highly emotional, and attention-seeking. They may become uncomfortable when they are not the center of attention. Often seek reassurance or approval from other people.

Narcissistic personality disorder:
People with narcissistic personality disorders tend to have exaggerated feelings of self-importance and a strong sense of entitlement. They may have trouble empathizing with other people’s feelings or recognizing their accomplishments.

Cluster C:

Avoidant personality disorder:
People with avoidant personality disorders tend to be socially inhibited and are often very uncomfortable in social situations.

Dependent personality disorder:
People with dependent personality disorders feel a strong need to be taken care of and usually avoid taking any personal initiative.

Obsessive-compulsive personality disorder
: People with obsessive-compulsive personality disorders tend to be preoccupied with orderliness, perfectionism and control. They may take work very seriously and find it difficult to balance their work-life with their home life.

Treatment for cluster personality disorders

Because of the difficulties they can cause in social relationships, people with cluster personality disorders may avoid seeking treatment. However, treatment can be very effective. Family members may feel that the costs of not seeking treatment are much greater.

Psychotherapy is often used as a treatment for people with cluster personality disorders. May include some of the following methods:

People with cluster personality disorders may not recognize the patterns in their behaviour, and family members may feel uncomfortable pointing these out. Psychoeducation can help people with cluster personalities become more aware of their behaviour patterns and learn about the disorder.

Cognitive-behavioural therapy
: Like other forms of psychotherapy, cognitive-behavioural therapy focuses on the interactions between people’s thoughts, feelings and behaviours. Cognitive-behaviour treatments use modelling, positive reinforcement and role-playing to help improve people’s problem-solving abilities, independence and social skills.

Group therapy:
The sense of comfort and belonging that people get from group therapy can benefit those with cluster personality disorders, who typically feel isolated and alienated from society.

 Family therapy:
Family members may also benefit from attending sessions with the person who has the cluster personality disorder. This can help family members understand the condition. And learn ways to support the person who has it without being drawn into patterns of behaviour typical for people with this disorder.

Some of the symptoms of cluster personality disorders, including anxiety, depression and impulsivity, can be treated with antidepressant and antipsychotic medication.

Medications used to treat personality disorders:

Anti-anxiety medications:
People with cluster personality disorders may experience severe anxiety, and treatment with anti-anxiety medications can relieve anxiety symptoms.

People with cluster personality disorders may also experience symptoms of depression, and antidepressant medications can treat these symptoms.

Antipsychotic medications:
People with cluster personality disorders may experience psychotic episodes when they are in a state of high stress, and antipsychotic drugs can help control these episodes.



