What Are MRI Claustrophobia Panic Attacks

What Are MRI Claustrophobia Panic Attacks

MRI claustrophobia panic attacks are a real thing. It may be hard for people who have never experienced one to understand how terrifying they can be. If you are scheduled for an MRI and are worried about having a panic attack, there are some things you can do to help prepare yourself. First, talk to your doctor about your concerns. They may prescribe medication or suggest breathing exercises that can help calm you down. Second, try to find out as much as possible about the procedure before your appointment. Knowing what to expect will help reduce your anxiety. Finally, take some time to relax before the appointment. Listen to calming music or take a soothing bath. You can improve your MRI Claustrophobia Panic Attacks & having a successful MRI by taking these steps.

How do I tackle My Claustrophobia During My MRI?

If you are scheduled for an MRI and are worried about having a panic attack, there are some things you can do to help prepare yourself.

First, talk to your doctor about your concerns. They may prescribe medication or suggest breathing exercises that can help calm you down. Second, try to find out as much as possible about the procedure before your appointment. Knowing what to expect will help reduce your anxiety. Finally, take some time to relax before the appointment. Listen to calming music or take a soothing bath. You can improve your chances of having a successful MRI by taking these steps.

If you feel especially anxious about your upcoming MRI, consider bringing a friend or family member along for support. Knowing that someone is there for you can make all the difference.

Breathing exercises

Breathing exercises and techniques can also help calm down before an MRI. If you have never tried them before, your doctor or therapist can guide you.

When it comes to MRIs, knowledge is power. The more you know about what to expect, the less anxious you will be. So do your research, talk to your doctor, and relax before your appointment. Then, you will be just fine!

Practice visualization

If you feel especially anxious about your upcoming MRI, consider bringing a friend or family member along for support. Knowing that someone is there for you can make all the difference.


MRIs can be a little daunting, but you can make the experience much less frightening with a few simple steps. By talking to your doctor, learning about the procedure, and relaxing before your appointment, you can greatly reduce your chances of having a panic attack. Good luck!


What is an MRI?

An MRI, or magnetic resonance imaging, is a procedure that uses magnets and radio waves to create images of the inside of the body. It is often used to diagnose tumors, injuries, and other health problems.

How long does an MRI take?

The length of an MRI scan can vary depending on the size and complexity of the area being scanned. However, most scans typically last around 30 minutes.

Can I bring a friend or family member with me to my MRI?

Yes, you are allowed to bring a friend or family member with you to your MRI. They can provide moral support and help keep you calm during the procedure.

What should I do if I have a panic attack during my MRI?

If you start to experience a panic attack during your MRI, let the technician know immediately. They may be able to give you some medication or advice to help calm you down.

Is MRI claustrophobia a real thing?

Yes, MRI claustrophobia is a real thing. Unfortunately, it may be hard for people who have never experienced it to understand how truly terrifying it can be. However, if you are worried about having a panic attack, there are some things you can do to help prepare yourself.



