Physical Wellness Dimensions

Physical Wellness Dimensions

There are many ways to measure and quantify physical wellness, but what does that mean? What constitutes being physically well? And how can you tell if you’re achieving it or not? This is a question that people have asked throughout history, and the answer is still not entirely clear. However, research in physical wellness has … Read more

Bodybuilding After 40

Bodybuilding After 40

Are you curious about bodybuilding after 40? You’re not alone. Many people start wondering what it’s like to hit the gym after they reach a certain age. Maybe you’ve been lifting weights for years, or perhaps you’re just starting. No matter where you are in your fitness journey, we’ve got some tips. Keep reading to … Read more

Do Lifting Weights Make You Shorter

Do Lifting Weights Make You Shorter

If you’re thinking about taking up weight lifting, you may be wondering if it will affect your height. After all, many athletes are shorter than average. So does lifting weights make you more straightforward?  The good news is that weightlifting won’t decrease your height. It might even help you grow taller!  Lifting weights doesn’t have … Read more