
One of the most frustrating things about dealing with passive-aggressive people is knowing how to deal with them. Many people have no idea how to communicate with someone who seems to be avoiding confrontation using sneaky tactics. Passive aggressiveness can leave you feeling powerless and often frustrated – but there are ways to handle these situations and get what you need from the person. This post will explore specific ways to annoy a passive-aggressive person and get them to communicate openly and honestly.

Examples of passive-aggressive behaviour include:

1. The silent treatment –
When someone is angry or upset with someone, they may refuse to speak to that person in an attempt to punish them.

2. Procrastination is when someone deliberately delays doing something they know needs to be done.

3. Giving backhanded compliments –
This is when someone says something that appears to be positive but is meant to be negative.

4. Making excuses –
This is when someone tries to avoid taking responsibility for their actions by making excuses.

5. sabotaging –
This is when someone deliberately tries to make someone else fail at something.

6. Gossiping –
This is when someone talks about others behind their back to make themselves look better.

7. Manipulation –
This is when someone tries to control another person by manipulating them emotionally.

8. withholdings –
This is when someone withholds information or resources from another person to control them.

How to deal with passive-aggressive 

There are a few different strategies that you can use when dealing with passive-aggressive behavior.

1. Ignore it –
This is often the best strategy to use when someone is being passive aggressive. By ignoring the behavior, you take away the attention and power that the person is seeking.

2. Confront it –
If you feel you can confront the person constructively, then this may be an effective strategy. It is essential to remain calm and avoid being confrontational yourself.

3. Set boundaries –
This is when you make it clear to the person that their behavior is not acceptable. This can be done in an assertive but non-aggressive way.

4. Use humors – This is an excellent way to diffuse a tense or frustrating situation. By making light of the situation, you can take away the power the passive-aggressive person seeks.

5. Walk away –
If you get upset or frustrated, it may be best to walk away from the situation. This will give you time to calm down and regroup before dealing with the person again.

Passive-aggressive behavior can be frustrating and challenging to deal with. However, by using one of the above strategies, you can hopefully get the person to open up and communicate more openly and honestly.

Deliberate forgetting

One of the most annoying things a passive-aggressive person can do is forget important information or deadlines. This is often done to make the other person feel guilty or responsible.

To deal with this, you can try one of the following:

1. Remind them gently –
This is often the best way to handle this situation. By reminding the person gently, you can avoid getting into a confrontation.

2. Set a reminder –
If you know the person is likely to forget, you can set a reminder for them. This can be done in the form of an email or text message.

3. Write it down –
This is a good option if you don’t want to rely on the person to remember. By writing down the information, you can ensure that it is not forgotten.

4. Speak to them directly –
If you feel you need to confront the person about their behavior, you can speak to them directly. This should be done calmly and assertively.

5. Ignore it –
If the person constantly forgets things, you may need to ignore their behaviour. This cannot be easy to do but may be the best option in some cases.

Making excuses

Another frustrating thing that passive-aggressive people do is make excuses for their behaviour. This is often done in an attempt to avoid taking responsibility.

To deal with this, you can try one of the following:

1. Call them out on it –
This is often the best way to deal with this behaviour. By calling the person out, you can make them aware of their behaviour.

2. Confront them directly –
If you feel you can confront the person constructively, then this may be an effective strategy. It is vital to remain calm and avoid being confrontational yourself.

3. Set boundaries –
This is when you make it clear to the person that their behaviour is not acceptable. This can be done in an assertive but non-aggressive way.

4. Use humour –
This is a great way to diffuse a tense or frustrating situation. By making light of the situation, you can take away the power the passive-aggressive person seeks.

5. Walk away –
If you get upset or frustrated, it may be best to walk away from the situation. This will give you time to calm down and regroup before dealing with the person again.

Passive-aggressive behaviour can be frustrating and difficult to deal with. However, by using one of the above strategies, you can hopefully get the person to open up and communicate more openly and honestly.


Another common form of passive-aggressive behaviour is sabotage. This is when the person deliberately tries to undermine you or your work.

To deal with this, you can try one of the following:

1. Talk to them directly –
This is often the best way to deal with this behaviour. By talking to the person directly, you can hopefully get to the bottom of why they are behaving in this way.

2. Set boundaries –
This is when you make it clear to the person that their behaviour is not acceptable. This can be done in an assertive but non-aggressive way.

3. Ignore it –
If you find that the person is constantly trying to sabotage you, you may need to ignore their behaviour. This cannot be easy to do but may be the best option in some cases.

4. Speak to a supervisor –
If the person sabotages your work, you may need to speak to a supervisor about the situation. This is a good option if you feel like you can’t deal with the person yourself.

5. Walk away –
If you get upset or frustrated, it may be best to walk away from the situation. This will give you time to calm down and regroup before dealing with the person again.

Passive-aggressive behaviour can be frustrating and difficult to deal with. However, by using one of the above strategies, you can hopefully get the person to open up and communicate more openly and honestly.