Ear wax is a natural substance that protects the ear canal from infection and helps to keep the ears clean. It is usual for the wax to accumulate over time, but sometimes too much wax can build up and cause problems. If you have trouble hearing, or if your ears feel itchy or blocked, you may need to have your ear wax removed by a doctor. Several methods can remove wax, including irrigation, suctioning, and scraping. Your doctor will choose the way that is best suited for you.


There are several reasons why you may need to have your ear wax removed by a doctor. Some of the most common include:

1. Difficulty hearing or ringing in the ears. If you have trouble hearing or experience ringing in your ears, it could be caused by excessive buildup of earwax.

2. Itchy or blocked ears. If your ears feel itchy or blocked, wax may be the culprit.

3. Ear pain. Excessive wax can sometimes lead to pain in the affected ear.

4. wax impaction. Wax impaction occurs when ear wax becomes so complicated and compacted that it can no longer be loosened naturally. It may be necessary for a doctor to remove the wax using specialized tools and techniques.

If you are experiencing any of these symptoms, it is essential to consult with your doctor right away. He or she can help determine whether excessive wax is causing the issue and will recommend an appropriate course of treatment to help you get relief.


There are many risks associated with removing wax at home. One of the most common risks is perforating (tearing) the eardrum. This can occur if the object used to remove the wax is inserted too far into the ear canal or if it is used roughly. Other risks include infection, irritation, and damage to the delicate structures of the ear. In addition, home remedies used to soften wax, such as oil or water, may only make matters worse by further irritating and blocking the ear canal.

If you are experiencing symptoms associated with excessive wax accumulation, such as trouble hearing or a feeling of fullness in your ears, it is best to see a doctor. A doctor can safely and effectively remove the wax using several methods.


There are several ways that a doctor can remove ear wax. One standard method is irrigation, which involves flushing the ear canal with warm water. This helps to loosen and flush out wax buildup. A doctor may also use suction to remove wax. This is done by inserting a hollow tool into the ear canal, which gently pulls out the wax plug and removes it from the channel.

Another method of removing ear is called scraping. Your doctor will use a small curette or forceps to remove the wax during this procedure. Scraping is generally only used when other methods have failed or the ear wax is tricky and impacted.

After removing the wax, your doctor may prescribe ear drops to help keep the ear canal clean and free of debris. They may also recommend using a soft, cotton-tipped swab to clean your ears regularly. This helps prevent the buildup of earwax and can help reduce the risk of complications in the future. To learn more about how ear is removed, speak to your doctor or visit an audiology clinic today.


If you have trouble hearing, or if your ears feel itchy or blocked, you may need to have your ear wax removed by a doctor. Several methods can remove wax, including irrigation, suctioning, and scraping. Your doctor will choose the way that is best suited for you.

Generally, you should see a doctor if your earwax is impacting your hearing or causing an uncomfortable blockage. Your doctor will be able to address any problems caused by excessive ear wax and recommend the best method for removing it from your ears. This may include irrigation, suctioning, and scraping, depending on the wax buildup severity.


Ear wax buildup can be removed with alternative medicine techniques such as home remedies or acupuncture. Home remedies often involve using natural oils such as almond or olive oil to soften and loosen wax, making it easier for your doctor to clean out. Acupuncture uses the power of needles and pressure points to remove earwax from the ear canal. Your doctor will recommend the method that is best suited for your individual needs and health condition. So if you are experiencing problems with wax buildup, talk to your doctor about alternative options for cleaning and removing your wax.

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