Time ManagementHow to Manage Your Time

Why is it important to manage your time? Time is the crux of almost everything you do as you spend your life on a day-to-day basis. All your mornings, even those on weekends, start with making a mental image of all those things that you need to get done. You make mental slots of every task you need to complete to make sure that it is taken care of in a timely manner.

However, one of the best approaches for you to manage your time is to narrow down your focus on your most important tasks. Instead of spending two hours on one particular task, you need to break them down into fifteen minutes over the span of two hours.

When you have divided all your tasks in fifteen minutes slots, you will be in a much better position to manage your time as it will enable you to focus on other important tasks as well. With all your tasks properly divided into fifteen minutes intervals, you can also use some of your time to recuperate in terms of having your lunch and bathroom breaks.

To manage your time in the best possible way, you need to develop your personal time management profile as it will help you save a lot of your time. Grab a piece of paper and write down the following to always be ready:

  • Things to write and with on – These include the I.D.E.A.
  • Bottle of water – to keep yourself hydrated and help you stay healthy physically.
  • Thank you card – Make lots of thank you cards in advance so that you do not have to prepare them every time you need to express your gratitude to someone against a favor being done to you.
  • Membership cards – these include memberships of hotels, gymnasiums and several airlines so that you can utilize them without getting into unforeseen problems that may waste your precious time.
  • Coffee Shop Loyalty Cards
  • Digital camera

No matter how smartly you try to manage your time, you are always susceptible to uncertainties as they are inevitable. Watch out for three of the most notorious influences that can positively as well as negatively impact your productivity when you start each day with 96 15-minute slots:

  1. Homeostasis – it pertains to all those things that you expect to do every day. Over the years, your repetitive behavior to a certain stimulus makes you comfortable with it and you perform most of your tasks on autopilot mode. However, if there is a sudden change in your routine that you have not been anticipating, it takes time for you before this new routine becomes habitual.
  2. Context – identify the environment or your surroundings that help you work in the most productive way.
  3. Network – analyze your contacts and determine how they influence you positively as well as negatively. Be aware of whom you spend most of your time with, not in the virtual world of the internet, but face-to-face.

Manage Your Time for Improvement and Self-Efficacy

Self-efficacy is about aligning thoughts with your actions believing that you will successfully achieve what you want to. Your thoughts play a big role in every aspect of your life and where you are at the moment is all because of your style of thinking and acting on it.

To make your better best, you have to think big. You have to have the self-belief that you have the ability to achieve all the goals you have been planning to. Identify areas of your life when you made it past the winning post even when things were not conducive for you given your circumstances.

If you have done it in the past, why can’t you do it again? That is the question you need to keep asking yourself. You have the tools to achieve what you want to, but it is all about aligning everything you have to help you achieve your objective.

You can write down all your thoughts on a piece of paper just to analyze them as they will make you aware of your mindset. You may notice that most of the thoughts coming to your mind are actually repetitive.

You also have to be aware of what you say when talking to someone or even yourself. Your objective here should be to align your thoughts with what you say and believe that it is possible to achieve what you think by asking yourself once again that if you have made it in the past, why can’t you now.

In addition, you need to surround yourself with positive and trustworthy people who can provide you with positive feedback. Successful people can influence you to be on the right track by inspiring you to follow their pattern to achieve success.

You can also read biographies of highly successful leaders, sportspersons, politicians and historians to learn how they achieved their goals. Make it your goal to read at least five well-researched biographies of highly inspirational people to seek guidance.

Read self-help books related to areas of your life you want to improve. Learn how highly successful people make it big in life as they are just humans like everyone else, but they learn to persevere regardless of their circumstances.

Attend conferences and seminars, find mentors and influential friends who can inspire you to push you out of your comfort zone to achieve whatever you have always wanted to. Start small by focusing on goals you believe you can easily accomplish and move on to bigger ones step-by-step. Once you build self-confidence, set a bigger goal and so on and on.

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